Hello Every one.
I was updating my Java library for Active directory Searching because of Microsoft Lync server integration with the in-housed belling system. because there is some attributes that you cant get from Lync monitoring server and you need to get it from active directory. and I want to share it with everybody
1. I created an Enum so i don't bother my self to know which attribute represents what, and not to bother my self regarding case sensitivity below is the Enum
DBName : represents Database fields names
ADName: represents Active directory Attributes names
* Created by Saddam Abu Ghaida
* @author sghaida
public enum LDAPAtributesEnum {
login ("login", "sAMAccountName"),
email ("email", "mail"),
first_name ("first_name", "givenName"),
last_name ("last_name", "sn"),
title ("title", "description"),
dept ("dept", "department"),
company ("company", "company"),
employee_id ("employee_id", "employeeID"),
location ("location", "l"),
country ("country", "c"),
ext ("ext", "extensionAttribute1"),
home_tel ("home_tel", "homePhone"),
home_addr ("home_addr", "streetAddress"),
emp_id ("emp_id", "employeeID"),
sip_account ("sip_account", "msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"),
sip_extention ("sip_extention", "msRTCSIP-Line"),
sip_gateway ("sip_gateway", "msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer"),
gateway_hostname("gateway_hostname", "dNSHostName"),
public final String ADName;
public final String DBName;
LDAPAtributesEnum(String DBName,String ADName) {
this.ADName = ADName;
this.DBName = DBName;
2. now the fun part this class will do everything related to search
Note: I'm using GXT BaseModels as a structured output "serialized" because I am writing BaseModels to database directly, but you can customize the output the way you like. if there is some ambiguity in the code. don't hesitate to comment and i will be more that happy to replay.
in order to be able to run this library in the current shap you need the following
1. GXT-2.2.4-GWT[xx].JAR
* Created by Saddam Abu Ghaida
* @author sghaida
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult;
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import javax.security.cert.CertificateException;
import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.data.BaseModel;
public class ADLib {
* @param args
static Hashtable<String, String> envGC = new Hashtable();
static String adminName;
static String adminPassword;
static String urlGC;
static LdapContext ctxGC;
private String searchBase = "";
private String searchFilter = "";
String returnedAtts[]={
private boolean DEBUG=true;
* @param searchBase search base, e.g. "dc=example,dc=com";
* @param ADHostName Host name or IP address of AD Server
* @param user Username to connect to AD server
* @param password Password to connecto AD server
* @throws NamingException
public ADLib(String searchBase, String ADHostName, String user, String password) throws NamingException
//get AD properties
this.searchBase = searchBase;
urlGC = "ldap://" + ADHostName+ ":3268";
adminName = user;
adminPassword = password;
//connect to both a GC
//Create the initial directory context for both DC and GC
ctxGC = new InitialLdapContext(envGC,null);
* @param name
* @return list<BaseModel>
* @throws NamingException
public List<BaseModel> searchResults(String searchFilter ) throws NamingException
//Create the search controls
SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
//Specify the attributes to return
//Specify the search scope
//initialize counter to total the results
int totalResults = 0;
//Search for objects in the GC using the filter
NamingEnumeration answer = ctxGC.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
List<BaseModel> results = new ArrayList<BaseModel>();
while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult)answer.next();
// Print out some of the attributes, catch the exception if the attributes have no values
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
try {
NamingEnumeration allAtributes = attrs.getAll();
BaseModel bm = new BaseModel();
Attribute a;
if(allAtributes != null && allAtributes.hasMore()){
a = (Attribute)allAtributes.next();
String name = a.getID();
Object value = a.get();
if(name.equals("msRTCSIP-Line") && !value.equals(null))
value = ((String)value).replaceAll("tel:", "");
if (name.equals("msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress") && !value.equals(null))
value = ((String)value).replaceAll("sip:", "");
if (name.equals("msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer") && !value.equals(null))
value = ((String)value).replaceAll("CN=Lc Services,CN=Microsoft,", "");
bm.set(name, value);
String s = "";
if(value!=null && value instanceof String)
s = (String)value;
}catch (Exception e) {
if(DEBUG)System.out.println(name+" = "+s.replaceAll("\\p{Cntrl}", ""));
catch (NullPointerException e) {
System.err.println("Problem listing attributes from Global Catalog: " + e);
return results;
* gets LDAP SearchBase for ldap query
* @return LDAP search base
public String getSearchBase() {
return searchBase;
* Sets LDAP SearchBase for ldap query
* @param searchBase
public void setSearchBase(String searchBase) {
this.searchBase = searchBase;
* gets search filter to be used in querying LDAP
* @return
public String getSearchFiltter()
return searchFilter;
* sets the search filter to be used in querying LDAP
* @param searchFilter
public void setSearchFilter(String searchFilter)
this.searchFilter = searchFilter;
public boolean isDebug() {
return DEBUG;
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.DEBUG = debug;
* Sets the LDAP attributes to be returned to user
* @return
public String[] getReturnedAtts() {
return returnedAtts;
* returns the LYNC server hostname/Gateway which is associated with the sip account
* @param gateway
* @return
* @throws NamingException
public String getGateway(Object gateway) throws NamingException
String searchFilter = "(distinguishedName=" + ((String)gateway).replaceAll("CN=Lc Services,CN=Microsoft,", "") + ")";
String attributes[] = {"dNSHostName"};
return searchResults(searchFilter).get(0).get("dNSHostName");
* @param sipAccount
* @return
public String getSipAccount(Object sipAccount)
return ((String)sipAccount).replaceAll("sip:", "");
* @param sipExtention
* @return
public String getSipExtention(Object sipExtention)
return ((String)sipExtention).replaceAll("tel:", "");
* Set which attributes to return from the query
* @param returnedAtts array of attribute names, e.g. {"cn","sn","givenName","sAMAccountName","mail","distinguishedName"}.
* Set to null to return all of the attributes
public void setReturnedAtts(String[] returnedAtts) {
this.returnedAtts = returnedAtts;
* @param args
* @throws CertificateException
* @throws NamingException
public static void main(String[] args) throws CertificateException, NamingException {
ADLib connector = new ADLib("dc=example,dc=com", "", "CN=sghaida, CN=Users, DC=example, DC=com", "xxxxxxx");
//specify the LDAP search filter
//String searchFilter = "(&(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=contact)))(!(objectClass=computer)))";
String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=msRTCSIP-Pool)(cn=1:1))";
String attributes[]={LDAPAtributesEnum.gateway_hostname.ADName};
//String attributes[]={LDAPAtributesEnum.first_name.ADName, LDAPAtributesEnum.last_name.ADName, "mail",LDAPAtributesEnum.dept.ADName};
List<BaseModel> results = connector.searchResults(searchFilter);
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